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Three Central Tips for Promoting Efficient Concrete Pumping

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Pumping is the most effective approach for pouring concrete when building a large surface or structure. In general, when concrete pumping is conducted properly, the pouring process will be quick and efficient. In addition, the concrete will be transferred smoothly and consistently, guaranteeing the durability and stability of the completed structure. Unfortunately, if the pumping process is managed poorly, you might experience some mishaps. The building process might not be efficient, and the final results could be compromised. Moreover, if a mistake occurs, the equipment could be damaged. Here are simple tips for getting the best concrete pumping results. 

Think About Your Mix

If your concrete mixture is not ideal, you might encounter some challenges when pumping. In simple terms, you should keep in mind that poorly designed and prepared concrete mixes can be problematic to pump. For instance, if your concrete has insufficient water, your pump and pipelines might encounter blockages. This problem can delay your building process. Therefore, it is important to measure your concrete constituents carefully before combination. Where possible, consider using a volumetric mixer. You must also choose high-quality building materials and ensure that customised special concrete mixes are suited for pumping.

Avoid Pumping Delays

Your concrete pumping process will be affected if the period between mix preparation and pouring is too long. Simply speaking, if there are delays in the concrete pouring process, the results of the project could be undesirable. This is because the concrete will begin setting after preparation if it is not delivered as planned. Therefore, it is important to make sure that everything is in place before beginning the mixture preparation process. Your construction site should be completely ready to ensure that the liquid concrete can be delivered immediately.

Maintain the Equipment

You should acquire the most appropriate concrete pump for your construction work, and the equipment should be in excellent condition. If you do not have a pump that matches your mixture and volumetric needs, it will be difficult to deliver the concrete at the desired rate. For instance, a pump with a low power motor might not be able to handle the demands of your worksite. Therefore, if you utilise it, your equipment could break down and cause you a lot of inconvenience. It is also essential to keep the pump in good condition during the building project through regular cleaning, inspection and general servicing.

Finally, you should ensure that your concrete pump operators are qualified and experience for easy handling of the equipment and proper management of the construction processes. 
